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Safer Recruitment

Soundart Radio is a safe and welcoming space for all kinds of people. The importance of keeping children and young people under the age of 18 safe from harm is particularly recognised.

Before recruiting staff and volunteers (whether paid or unpaid) who will be in contact with young people at any of our activities, the following must be considered:

  • A commitment to safeguarding must be included in the application process, for example, in the job description or other documentation

  • Thoroughly check the identity, work history and references of all applicants, including any gaps in employment/time;

  • Obtain proof of qualifications

  • Carry out checks with the DBS, including checks against DBS barred lists

  • Make sure all employees start within a probationary supervised period

  • Obtain references for successful applicants and verify these by telephone

Other staff, volunteers and board members must immediately flag up any concerns about an existing or new member of the team.