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Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy 

Revised January 2021 

Part One: Statement of Intent  

Soundart Radio exists to improve lives, by providing space for people to have a  voice, take part, be creative and participate in democracy. A studio is welcoming  and empowering when it is safe for all kinds of people. Day to day care of our  space must include considering the needs of all who access it. By maintaining high  standards, and protecting volunteers, guests and workers from harm, we increase  participation from as wide a range of people as possible. We need to look at all  aspects of our work, and recognise where health and safety intersects with equal opportunities, safeguarding, and other policy areas. 

Some things to consider: 

• What are the hazards, and how do they affect different types of people? • What benefits do different risks bring, particularly in terms of creative  freedom? How do we best balance risk and benefit? 

• What are reasonable expectations of volunteers when considering how we  maintain and share our spaces? 

• How do we create safe spaces when we work outside of the studio? • Which spaces are accessible to all, and which are more private? • How do we balance the needs of different types of users? 

• How do we keep ourselves safe, whilst showing care for one another? • What risks affect our users outside of the studio space? For example, when  travelling to our activities; how broadcasting to the general public affects other  areas of their lives. 

Such questions may have no one, fixed answer, but be more dynamic as spaces,  members and activities change over time. 

Ultimately, health and safety is about fundamental values: the sanctity of our minds  and bodies; kindness and respect for one another; care for the spaces and  resources we use; equality and consideration. From such a foundation springs  creative freedom, culture and fun. 

Health and Safety Policy 

Revised January 2021 

Part Two: Responsibilities  

To some extent, health and safety is the responsibility of all our members and  guests. Further responsibilities lie with paid staff members, and ultimately  responsibility is with the board of directors. 


• Ensure spaces are kept clean and uncluttered 

• Welcome their guests, make sure they are comfortable 

• Not come in if they have symptoms of any infectious disease • Report any breakages or electrical faults 

Staff members: 

• Maintain furnishings and electrical equipment 

• Regularly check all equipment, and replace or repair any breakages • Carry out risk assessments for all additional activities (eg a workshop or  event) 

• Keep policies up to date 

• Hold a current, relevant first aid qualification 

• Communicate health and safety priorities to volunteers 

• Keep the space safe, comfortable, welcoming and clean 

• Respond to local and national guidance, for example during infection  outbreaks 


• Check that all policies are up to date, compliant with government guidance,  approved at board meetings and publicly available 

• Support staff and volunteers to carry out their duties 

• Oversee complaints and conflicts that arise 


• Take care of their own health and safety, and show support for others

Health and Safety Policy 

Revised January 2021 

Part three: arrangements for health and safety  


Risk Assessment:  

• Specific risk assessments are carried out by the studio manager, or another  lead worker, for each activity that is additional to the day to day running of  the studio and broadcasts. 

• Risk assessments take into account the different types of hazards, who is  affected by them, what can be done to mitigate them and how high the risk is. • If the risk assessment highlights significant problems, then activities should be  redesigned to be safer 

• Paper copies of risk assessments should be on hand throughout activities.  • Such forward planning does not replace thinking on the spot, and adjusting  activities accordingly 


• All users of the studio are initially invited to a studio induction, where the  station’s ethos and practices are discussed, and equipment is demonstrated. • Paid workers are DBS checked, and are asked to complete safeguarding  training. Most also undertake First Aid training. 

• Workers and contractors should be suitably qualified and experienced for the  task they undertake 


• Volunteers and guests should feel comfortable to raise any concerns with  staff and directors at any time 

• A suggestion box in the studio enables anonymous comments and  complaints 

• Severe problems, or ones that are hard to resolve, should always be  brought to board meetings and included in minuted discussions 


As a tenant of the Dartington Hall Trust, Soundart Radio adopts their evacuation  procedure in the case of fire etc, which are displayed on the studio notice board.